Discover Spiru Horse: Exceptional Nutrition for Your Equines.

🐾🌿 About us

We are a brand that is formed seeking the well-being of animals, contributing to their health and correct nutrition. Therefore, through spirulina, a natural superfood, rich in protein, minerals and nutrients; We are pleased to present this new and innovative line specially designed for equines, called Spiru Horse.

🏇 What makes Spiru Horse so exceptional? Its formula contains spirulina, known worldwide for its richness in essential nutrients, which has made it the essential food for equine care. Whether you have a horse for work, competition or entertainment, Spiru Horse is the ideal formula to meet its nutritional needs and keep it at peak performance.

Our team of experts has carefully perfected this new formula for horses, donkeys, mules and ponies, guaranteeing maximum quality controls.

🌟 Our goal

Contribute to the care, nutrition and well-being of animals through the production of essential foods such as Spiru Horse.

💚 Our values

We govern ourselves through respect, love and affection towards life and nature. From there we generate trust with our customers by offering products of the best quality based on these values.

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